There is a wonderful and comical article in today's NY Times about students who try to bribe their way off the waiting list (doesn't work by the way!). An entertaining read to be sure, but reassuring that at the end of the day, the best way to get off the wait-list is simply to send an email updating the college on what you have done since you applied and your interest in still attending. However, if you tell them that they are your number one school and a week later they call you because a spot opened up, you should take it. If you would not take it, do not tell them you would. I have worked with many students who treat acceptances as trophies even if they would not attend the college. This should not be your strategy. Acceptances are not something to be accumulated and then thrown around. We are not trading baseball cards here. Plenty of admission officers spend a lot of time pouring over your information. If you have no intention of attending the school in which you applied to, save yourself the application fee and the admission officer the time. Plus, by applying to a school you would not go to you, you potentially take the seat from someone who really wants to go there. And if that is not enough to make you think about not applying, reverse the process and realize that everyone who applies to a school that they would not attend could potentially end up hurting YOU!
Click here to read the article.
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